Yesterday at the forum again, the carlospicks picks posted do not correspond to those reported in the website and sold to customers.
The picks in therxforum were 5-5, but in the website were 7-3 for the day yesterday.
I do not know where this error, but the fact is someone is not telling the truth.
Isn't it interesting that Anthony "put-you-in-the" Redd lists his William & Mary win MOnday but skips right over Tuesday? "100 Dime Flop" on NC State.
Two out of three losses last night too. Stay away or fade this fraud.
401k 1/27
1-Parlay?? - I thought they never do Parlays
Illiini, Mean Green, Vikings and Flying Dutchmen
Website just list 1 Hoops play & no Parlay mentioned
Anybody confirm?? And why a 4-teamer?? 12.28-1 would be a nice hit though
Let's cash!!